Gainesville for All was created in 2016 with the help of the Gainesville Sun and the Community Foundation of North Central Florida to seek systemic solutions to problems of race and poverty in the region.
It has had successes in each of its areas of focus, which include education, criminal justice, health and transportation and family support. In the spring of 2021 it played a significant role in winning approval by the city and county of its 2017 recommendation for free RTS fares for riders under age 18 and over age 65.
The University of Florida
Free museum access
UF students collect data and test our students
Monthly dental checkups for students by the School of Dentistry
Florida Department of Health
Connect GEZFLC families with resources
Certified Community Health Worker will be a liaison between health services and GEZFLC parents
Hover over each box to find out more!
City of Gainesville
Provided us with a grant for $350,000
Florida Association for the Education of Young Children
Including collaboration with the North Central Florida chapter of FLAEYC...
Helped with a strategic plan for the GEZFLC
Community Hospice of Alachua County
They have made their services available to us
UF Campaign for Charities
We are listed as a partner agency
The Cade Museum
The have made their services available to us
Alachua County NAACP
Director has spoken on our behalf to Alachua County and the City of Gainesville, helping us get funding
Teaching Strategies, LLC
Utilize the Creative Curriculum® for our classrooms
Early Learning Coalition of Alachua County
Received funds for operational expenses
Library Partnership
They will provide services to GEZFLC families
Partnership for Strong Families
A GEZFLC staff member has a foster child, and she applied here for assistance so her child could be enrolled in our center
UF College of Building Construction
Helped plan the blueprint of the playground and layout of outdoor classroom
UF College of Education: Lastinger and Zucker Center
Advised us on how to structure the GEZFLC
Provide us with expertise
Catholic Charities Bureau
They will provide resources to GEZFLC
The Harn Museum
Free museum access for families and field trips
Will train our staff for field trips
Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Children
They are our community partners